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Original plan was to paddle up the Canandaigua Outlet to where the tributary originating next to the pier meets up with the outlet. However, we met up with an impassable barrior early-on; there is a man-made damn at the start of the outlet, that turned us around.

Time for plan B…

Kayaking around the outlet was very peaceful and pretty. There is an island with thick lily pads surrounding it, but navigating around the island was still passable.

Once we realized we wouldn’t be able to kayak our planned route, my wife opend up her geocache app, and was able to find a geocache under one of the bridges in the outlet.

Finished up our trip in Canandaigua Lake. It was a beautiful day, and lots of boats were anchored and tied-up together in the north end….lots of boat parties, and folks just reading and relaxing on their boats. Love feeling positive connections to humanity and the water. 🌎🌊

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